See below questions I’m most frequently asked

And feel free to use the contact form if you have any other question or comment about my programs, podcast or if you want to collaborate on something.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why Rethink?

I always got very uncomfortable with former employers or people telling me, “this is how we’ve always done it,” and carry on with life without ever questioning anything. The world is constantly evolving, and I believe it is our nature to learn, grow, question, and rethink. What I love about this word is that it still gives space to move forward if we don’t find a better option, but it also provides a world of opportunities to do things better for us and those around us. 

What is a conscious lifestyle?

It is a life where you focus on your personal growth so you can live your true vision and think twice before taking action, especially if it impacts others. By just living on this planet, we have an impact on our environment and societies, especially in the Global North. We have a responsibility to stop and reverse the damage we’ve done. Everyone should rethink what kind of world they want to leave behind. 

Where can I find what you are up to?

You will find a list of all active programs here: Online Programs
And a list of how we can work 1:1 here: Work with me 1:1
Another easy way to stay up to date is to follow me on Instagram and on Linkedin

How can we work together?

There are many ways we can work together. Feel free to browse through this site, or use the contact form to send me a message. You can reach out for anything, whether you would like more information about my courses and workshops, hire me 1:1, be a host on my podcast, want to host a talk together or an event, or just share thoughts; my channels are open. 

Do you only work with Entrepreneurs?

Not at all! I do work with entrepreneurs to build their brands and advise on marketing strategies, but I also work with people who aspire to be entrepreneurs or just aspire to live a better life. My programs are curated for people who just do not accept the status quo. 

Why do you advocate for Sustainability?

Because we’ve gone too far in how we consume this planet and how we extract from it or people without care, I think sustainability as a whole is a journey, with so many actions to take – with different priorities depending on your region and position in life; this shouldn’t be a marketing tool but rather a chance for everyone to have a positive impact on people, wildlife, and the planet. I also see a clear connection between entrepreneurs and sustainable development as we are well positioned to create meaningful change. 


Message me if you still have questions! 

15 + 6 =




Flexible Life Balance


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