The Power of Handwriting

The Power of Handwriting

In an age dominated by screens, the timeless art of handwriting often takes a back seat. Yet, there's a profound and often overlooked benefit to putting pen to paper, especially when it comes to life decisions and personal growth. As someone passionate about helping you find yourself, shift your mindset, and grow into being more of yourself, I wanted to share my thoughts on why handwriting is a powerful tool for these endeavors. When was the last time you wrote something meaningful with your...

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The Remarkable Influence of Our Thoughts

The Remarkable Influence of Our Thoughts

Today, I want to delve into the extraordinary power of our thoughts. I will share how the wisdom of Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Joe Dispenza, and the timeless insights of Napoleon Hill have profoundly influenced my journey. I've found these mentors to be not only insightful but also accessible, guiding me towards a more mindful and intentional life. So here is what I learned from them and how it changed my outlook. Wayne Dyer: My Mentor from Afar Wayne Dyer, a name that needs no introduction among...

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Jump-Starting My Meditation Practice: 21 Days of Abundance by Deepak Chopra

Jump-Starting My Meditation Practice: 21 Days of Abundance by Deepak Chopra

Life's hustle and bustle can sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed, right? Well, a friend of mine – bless their thoughtful soul – in 2020, introduced me to a game-changing resource that not only jump-started my meditation practice but also infused my days with newfound inner peace. Some of you may have tried it: it's Deepak Chopra's "21 Days of Abundance." So, let me take you on a friendly journey through how this 21-day program transformed my perspective on meditation, gave me discipline and...

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Hello again! I’m Nathalie and throughout my days, I have a million things coming to my mind. So I thought I’d share all these thoughts, ideas and practices here. I hope you enjoy this blog!

Find me on Instagram for more personal thoughts



The Power of Handwriting
The Remarkable Influence of Our Thoughts
Jump-Starting My Meditation Practice: 21 Days of Abundance by Deepak Chopra