Rethink Your Life

Do you feel lost? Are you looking for more balance and alignment? I created this 5-weeks workshop so you can walk out with clarity and an actionable plan to move forward. Ready?



Do These Sound Like You?

⊗ You work at a job you don’t really like, doing the same tasks on repeat, with people who don’t lift you up, and to top it off, in an environment you can’t see yourself evolving in. You feel unfulfilled.


You only have time for yourself on evenings or Sundays, but you’re so exhausted, it ends up being low-quality time. It feels like you never have time to do the things you enjoy doing and those 4 weeks vacation a year are barely making up for all the rest you need.


⊗ You have passions and activities you love doing but you believe you can never make a living from any of these. You think this is a lifestyle for “other” people and you need to work a “normal” job.

It’s Time to Rethink and Stand Out!


Take control of your narrative

You have a million ideas when daydreaming but think these are not for you to live, let me prove you wrong! You can be and do anything you want with a bit of guidance.


You don't need to fit in

Because we’re meant to stand out! However, this is not something our societies train us for, and this is specifically why this workshop exists: so you can rethink what standing out means for you.


Start living, not just existing

The last years shifted your vision of the world, and you can see now that you want something else out of your daily life. And it is hard to pinpoint what that should be or how to get there. I have a method that help you do that.


Rethink Your Life

 I created this workshop to help you create the life you want

This is a self-paced online workshop working as a pivot in your life.

I’ve packaged 20 years of my own trial and error, learnings, readings, and working with people around the world, helping them define their ideal lives. 

The workshop is divided in 3 Phases with clear guidance and practical tools that allow you to immediately see a clear path forward as we complete the first phase. It gives you a method to question your life, plan where to go next, create a timeline and what tools to implement.

Rethink your Life is a (big) step towards living the life of your dreams but remember that expending your comfort zone is a lifetime journey.


“I felt unfulfilled, lost and had no idea what first step to take to make a change. I also feared so much about losing my sense of safety. Meeting Nathalie and having her guide me through this process was such a pivot in my life, and I finally feel I’m on the right track for myself.”

Ariane, 2021


The 3 Phases of The Rethink Method


Phase 1: Deep Dive to Get Organized

There are so many thoughts in your head, your notebook and various bookmarks, this is the time to sit down and reflect. I’ve come up with a canvas that poses intentional questions in a specific order to help you see the big picture of your life. My process is based on neuroscience and follows a clear path to organize for the next phase of the workshop. This is the longest phase in the workshop as we will take the time needed to answer everything.

Duration: 4-6 hours

Content: 3 lessons, 1 worksheet

+ 1 Group Coaching Call (scheduled weekly for questions/feedback)

Phase 2: Define Yourself & Your Path

Learning about different frameworks with proven success like “Find your Why” and “Ikigai”, but using one I’ve specifically crafted for you, we’ll put all the answers from phase 1 in motion to define who you are and create the life of your dreams, taking current life and financial realities into consideration. This is the most efficient way to map your path and follow your North Star. This includes templates and practical tools to get you into action.

Duration:  3-4 hours

Content: 4 lessons, 2 templates

+ 1 Group Coaching Call (scheduled weekly for questions/feedback)


Phase 3: Take Action in Your New Life

Once your path is clear, there are methods to create a real plan and stick to it! We’ll also go over tips to put new tools and discipline in place. You will benefit from an online community support to hold yourself accountable and direct access to me to ask questions you may have to follow your vision.

Duration: ≈4 hours + Lifelong implementation

Content: 3 lessons, 1 template, video resources

+ 1 Group Coaching Call (scheduled weekly for questions/feedback)

Are you ready to Rethink Your Life?

Join my next workshop round to unlock all content, group coaching calls and support from my online community so you can step into your new life!

Next Cohort: $480

In fairness to others, prices will never decrease. Payment plan available. Following Cohort with price increase.

√ Online Guided Workshop
√ 4x Group Coaching Calls
√ Unlimited Access to the Community
√ Workshop completed in a 1 month (+ all the integration time you need)


What you’ll get by the end of the workshop

Most of us don’t know where to start for the next steps in our lives, so whatever you feel: you’re not alone! Thousands of people ask themselves the same questions you have in your head, so you’ll be one step ahead with this workshop that will get you all the below and much more!


You’ll feel like all the thoughts in your head are finally organized with a clear vision forward


You will see that you too have a north star that guides you and can follow that path

A Plan

You will have all the tools and guidance to create your plan to live the life you want


You’ll feel like you can take over the world and do anything you want in life


A Clear Method

The Rethink Method has been tested and successful over and over for different types of people over the last 15 years. 

Deep Work

You are the only one doing the work. I am only here to guide you and have conversations that can get you unstuck.

Impact on your Life

You will most likely change many things after taking the workshop, be open to anything coming your way. 


Χ Someone else giving you Answers

I or no one else will give you answers or tell you what you should be doing with your life. You will be guided to find them yourself.

Χ A Therapy session

Some people will find emotional roadblocks while going through the workshop. I am NOT a therapist, but we will find areas to work on with a specialist. 

Χ An Overnight Change

Changing your life is a big topic and it takes time and this workshop is a big first step into this change. What will change fast is your mindset, which is huge!

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Napoleon Hill


Hear it from more people I’ve supported


"What I loved about the Rethink Your Life Workshop is that it helped me visualize in a very concrete way."

Finding a real purpose in my professional path is not something I grew up thinking about.
I never saw a clear bridge between what I love to do/ the type of life I want to live vs. my professional plan. I always felt that I had to take a job, work for someone else’s project, or work for money to fit in a box. I’ve always done a lot of personal development but never was this work linked to my career ambitions. What I loved about the Rethink Your Life Workshop is that it helped me concretely visualize this bridge between personal and professional happiness. Nathalie asks very concrete questions and puts you in everyday life situations that truly helped me understand what I lacked to accomplish the “happy bridge,” as I call it.

Rethink Your Life Participant


"Always a pleasure working together with Nathalie on new projects"

Creative Entrepreneur


“I feel energized and excited!"

With passion, Nathalie helped me to refocus and gain clarity about my values and skills. This has enabled me to see more clearly the next steps I want to take on my career path. 

Rethink Your Life Participant


"If you’re considering working with Nathalie, make sure you’re ready to bring your 100% A-game"

Nathalie has left a bright spot in my business. Working with her is a dream because she only takes on the most exciting creative projects with clients of the highest caliber. Besides having a work ethic that is second to none, her eye for detail and dedication to her craft are inspiring. She brings out the best in everyone she works with and manages to turn every final project into a work of art.
If you require her services, you can be sure to expect nothing short of excellence.

Service Provider


"Thankful for the clarity I got from Nathalie to help me brand myself and my company"

My job is to do my job as a lawyer, and I am so glad I could count on Nathalie to guide me through what she does best: guidance. She made things easy for me to understand branding and marketing. But most importantly help me define what I stand for, and how to translate my values through my communication and my firm.



“We feel at peace knowing Nathalie represents our company in public"

“Nathalie's work ethic, vision, and personality are what make our organization's marketing a success. We know we can trust her, and trust her with our brand's image out in the world, and the work she delivers is the added bonus.”

Founder & CEO 

Are you ready to Rethink Your Life?

Join my next workshop round to unlock all content, group coaching calls and support from my online community so you can step into your new life!

Next Cohort: $480

In fairness to others, prices will never decrease. Payment plan available. Following Cohort with price increase.

√ Online Guided Workshop
√ 4x Group Coaching Calls
√ Unlimited Access to the Community
√ Workshop completed in a 1 month (+ all the integration time you need)